- Confocal microscope 공초점 현미경
- (기본사양) - Laser lines: 405/458/488/514/ 561/594/633m - Objectives: 10x/0.40 CS2 20x/0.75 CS2 40x/1.10 W CORR CS2 63x/1.40 OIL CS2 HyVolution SP8LIA HYVO Flexible Supply Unit LIAchroic 1) Microscope Stand -DMi8 CS Bino / -Motorized Focus W/AFC 2) Obj. 10/20/40/63X 각1ea 3) Obj. Prisms for Interference Contrast -IC Prism A/C1/E 각1ea 4) Condenser Prisms for Transmitted Light Interference Contrast -IC Condenser Prism K3/K6/K7/K10 각1ea 5) Scan Head -Basic Confocal Module TCS SP8 LIAchroic / -HIVIS Scan Optics Module 6) Laser UV-VIS -Laser Port UV/405 7) HyVolution Confocal Super-Resolution (LAS X HyVolution 2 Pkg) 3.Leica EM ACE600 Sputtering&Carbon Thread Coater W/Motorized Stage
- 작성일 2018-12-12
- 조회수 3370
- Confocal microscope (Spinning Disk) 공초점 광학현미경
- (기본사양) - Laser lines 405/488/561/637nm - Objectives 10x/0.40 CS2 20x/0.75 CS2 63x/1.40 OIL CS2 - Advantages high-speed - spinning disk High-Speed Confocal Imaging Platform : 1sys. 1) CR-DFLY-302, High Speed Confocal Imaging Platform for Confocal and Laser-Based Widefield Imaging : 1ea -Dragonfly 1Port, 2nd Ready, 40um Pinhole 2) Fusion 34" Widescreen Curved LCD Monitor : 1ea 3) Dfly Laser Dichroic for 405-488-561-640nm : 1ea 4.Zyla PLUS 4) 2Megapixel USB3.0 CMOS Camera : 1ea -Includes Rolling Shutter 5) 450/50nm & 525/50nm & 600/50nm, 620/60nm, 700/75nm Bandpass Emission Wheel Filter : 각1ea 6) Polarizer 25mm-Em Filter Wheel : 1ea 7) Dfly Microscope Kit for Leica DMi8 : 1ea 8) Primary 4 Line VIS-NIR ILE Laser Merge Module and Controller, Single Port Multi-Mode Only : 1ea 9) Solid State 405nm Smart Diode Laser at 100mW for ILE : 1ea 10) Solid State 488nm Diode Laser at 150mW for ILE : 1ea 11) OBIS LS 561nm Smart OPSS Laser at 100mW for ILE : 1ea 12) OBIS LX Solid State 637nm Smart Diode Laser at 140mW for ILE : 1ea 13) Board PCI Gated Buffer Breakout Box W/4+1 Digital In/Out Only : 1ea 14) Installation & Introductory Training 3 Days on Site : 1ea 15) Andor Revolution Platinum Warranty Contract-First 12 Months : 1ea
- 작성일 2018-12-12
- 조회수 2729
- Flow cytometry 유세포 분석기
- (기본사양) - Laser sources 405/488/640nm - Advantages Four(4)-way sorting, plates sorting (6, 24, 48, 96, 384-well) 1)BD FACSAria Fusion Flow Cytometry Sorter System : 1sys. -Fixed Laser/Optics Algnment and Cuvette-Based Temperature-Controlled Sample Chamber System -Visible 488nm Laser and Optics with Seven(7) (7;FSC,SSC,FL1-L5) Detectors -Vis. 640nm Laser, Optics with 2-FL Detectors -Violet 405nm Laser, Optics with 3-FL Detectors -Integrated Fluidic and Air Supply System in Drawer for Sheath/Waste and Cleaning Cycles -Cytometry Control Workstation HP Z240 Series .2*19" LCD Color Monitor, Laser-Jet Color Printer .System Acquisition/Analysis 'FACSDiVa' Software -Auto Cell Deposition Unit for Micro-Well Plates & Etc. -Aerosol Management Option for Collection Chamber -Temperature Control Unit for Sorted Population -Standard Accessories for FACSAria Fusion System * Spec. -Laser Power Out : (Blue)50mW / (Red)100mW / (Violet)85mW -Sample InputSize: Micro-Tubes, 12*75mm & 15ml Tubes -Sample Flow Rates(Pressure): From 0.2-1.2psi -Optimum Sorting Cell Size : 0.3-25um -Nozzle Tip Range: 70um,85um,100um -Optimum Sorting Rate: 25,000-70,000cells/sec
- 작성일 2018-12-12
- 조회수 3192
- Multiphoton microscope 다중광자 현미경
- (기본사양) - Two-photon - Laser lines 488nm, 680-1040nm - Objectives 10x/0.40 CS2 25x/0.95 W VISIR 1) Microscope Stand -DM6 CFS W/O TL Axis / -Auto 2 Position Nosepiece 2) Obj. 10/25X 각1ea 3) Scan Head -Basic Confocal Module TCS SP8 LIAchroic / -Scan Optics Module VISIR 4) Laser UV-VIS -Supply Unit Compact LIAchroic AOTF 5) Laser IR, CARS&Acc. -IR Laser Chameleco VisionⅡ, 680-1080nm 6) Non-Descanned Detectors -HyD-RLD 2Ch for DMy CFS
- 작성일 2018-12-12
- 조회수 2009
- Spectral instrument imaging 발광형광동물 영상 및 전산화 단층 촬영 시스템
- (기본사양) - LED lines 490, 510, 550, 570, 590, 610, 630, 650, 670, 690, 710, 730, 750, 770, 790, 810, 830, 850, 870nm - Advantages High Sensitivity CCD Camera High Resolution Imaging High throughput Multi Utilize - X-ray 가능 1)In Vivo Optical Imaging Chamber : 1ea -Footprint: 56*66*211Hcm / -Heated Stage or Air(20-40℃) 2) Back-Thinned&Cooled CCD Camera : 1ea -Cooled: -90℃ / -Pixel: 2,048*2,048 / -Size: 27.6*27.6mm / -Field of View: 6*6cm to 25*25cm -Luminescence Sensitivity: 45 Photons/sec/㎠/sr / -Quantum Efficiency: >85% from 500-700nm, >30% from 400-850nm 3) Complete Fluorescence Imaging Components W/Complete Filter Sets : 1set -Light Source: LED Based Illumination Sys. -Fluorescence Filter: (Excitation)14ea,Wavelengths:360-805nm / (Emission)20ea,Wavelength:49-870nm 4) Acquisition&Analysis Sys. with S/W : 1sys. -Interface: Ethernet / -Acquisition&Analysis S/W 5) X-Ray Imnaging Sys.: 1sys. -Energy Range : 10-50KeV / -Max.Current: 200uA / -X-Ray Field of View: 25*23cm -X-Ray Scanner: (CCD Pixel Dimension)1,520*128 / (CCD Pixel Size)48*48um / (A/D Converter Resolution)12Bit 6) Anesthesia Device : 1set 7) Medical Oxygen : 1ea 8) Work Table : 1ea 9) urbo Carbon Coater: 1sys. -208C Turbo Carbon Coater / -Φ150mm Vacuum Chamber / -Turbo Pump 80L/sec / -Rotary Pump 2.5㎥/hr
- 작성일 2018-12-12
- 조회수 2272
- Photoacoustic image & high frequency micro imaging platform 광음향 및 고주파 초음파 영상장비
- (기본사양) - Mode B-mode, M-Mode, C-mode, P-mode PA-mode (Photoacoustic Mode), PW-mode - Laser lines 680-970, 1200-2000nm - Objectives MX250/250s (Resolution 75um) MX550D/550S (Resolution 40um) 1.Vevo LAZR-X Photoacoustic Imaging Sys. : 1sys Included Vevo 3100 Imaging Sys. -Pulsed Laser(20Hz), Tunable in 1nm Increments from 680nm∼970nm -Storage(750GB HDD), 19" LCD Monitor -10" LCD Touchscreen -Outputs: USB3.0(4), Ethernet, DisplayPort 1)H/W -2 Rolling Portable Carts / -Vevo Imaging Starter Kit / -IOncludes Vevo LAZR Extemal Calibration Sensor -Requires MX-Series Transduce, Vevo Fiber Jacket/Optical Fiber/ Imaging Station/Compact Dual Anesthesia Sys. 2) Analytic S/W: Incl. Vevo HD Image Technology 2. MX550D, Transducer : 1ea -Broadband Frequency: 26-52MHz / -Max.Frame Rate: 557fps -Image: (Width)14.1mm / (Depth)15mm / -Image Axial Resolution: 40um 3.S/W : 1ea 4.Acc. 1) Vevo Imaging Station Ⅱ: 1ea -Fully Transducer Stand&Mount / -MX Transducer Adaptor / -X,Y,Z Positioning Sys. / -Vevo Injection Mount 2) Mouse Handling Table: 1ea 3) Thermasonics Gel Warmer: 1set 4) Anesthesia Sys. for Animal: 1ea 5) Medical Oxygen: 1ea 6) Work Table: 1ea
- 작성일 2018-12-12
- 조회수 2914