Confocal microscope (Spinning Disk) 공초점 광학현미경
- 조회수2726
- 2018-12-12
- Laser lines 405/488/561/637nm
- Objectives 10x/0.40 CS2 20x/0.75 CS2 63x/1.40 OIL CS2
- Advantages high-speed
- spinning disk
High-Speed Confocal Imaging Platform : 1sys.
1) CR-DFLY-302, High Speed Confocal Imaging Platform for Confocal and Laser-Based Widefield Imaging : 1ea -Dragonfly 1Port, 2nd Ready, 40um Pinhole
2) Fusion 34" Widescreen Curved LCD Monitor : 1ea
3) Dfly Laser Dichroic for 405-488-561-640nm : 1ea 4.Zyla PLUS
4) 2Megapixel USB3.0 CMOS Camera : 1ea -Includes Rolling Shutter
5) 450/50nm & 525/50nm & 600/50nm, 620/60nm, 700/75nm Bandpass Emission
Wheel Filter : 각1ea
6) Polarizer 25mm-Em Filter Wheel : 1ea
7) Dfly Microscope Kit for Leica DMi8 : 1ea
8) Primary 4 Line VIS-NIR ILE Laser Merge Module and Controller,
Single Port Multi-Mode Only : 1ea
9) Solid State 405nm Smart Diode Laser at 100mW for ILE : 1ea
10) Solid State 488nm Diode Laser at 150mW for ILE : 1ea
11) OBIS LS 561nm Smart OPSS Laser at 100mW for ILE : 1ea
12) OBIS LX Solid State 637nm Smart Diode Laser at 140mW for ILE : 1ea
13) Board PCI Gated Buffer Breakout Box W/4+1 Digital In/Out Only : 1ea
14) Installation & Introductory Training 3 Days on Site : 1ea
15) Andor Revolution Platinum Warranty Contract-First 12 Months : 1ea