Spectral instrument imaging 발광형광동물 영상 및 전산화 단층 촬영 시스템
- 통합 관리자
- 조회수2271
- 2018-12-12
- LED lines 490, 510, 550, 570, 590, 610, 630, 650, 670, 690, 710, 730, 750, 770, 790, 810, 830, 850, 870nm
- Advantages High Sensitivity CCD Camera High Resolution Imaging High throughput Multi Utilize
- X-ray 가능
2) Back-Thinned&Cooled CCD Camera : 1ea -Cooled: -90℃ / -Pixel: 2,048*2,048 /
-Size: 27.6*27.6mm / -Field of View: 6*6cm to 25*25cm
-Luminescence Sensitivity: 45 Photons/sec/㎠/sr /
-Quantum Efficiency: >85% from 500-700nm, >30% from 400-850nm
3) Complete Fluorescence Imaging Components W/Complete Filter Sets : 1set
-Light Source: LED Based Illumination Sys. -Fluorescence Filter:
(Excitation)14ea,Wavelengths:360-805nm / (Emission)20ea,Wavelength:49-870nm
4) Acquisition&Analysis Sys. with S/W : 1sys.
-Interface: Ethernet / -Acquisition&Analysis S/W
5) X-Ray Imnaging Sys.: 1sys. -Energy Range : 10-50KeV / -Max.Current: 200uA /
-X-Ray Field of View: 25*23cm -X-Ray Scanner: (CCD Pixel Dimension)1,520*128 /
(CCD Pixel Size)48*48um / (A/D Converter Resolution)12Bit
6) Anesthesia Device : 1set
7) Medical Oxygen : 1ea
8) Work Table : 1ea
9) urbo Carbon Coater: 1sys. -208C Turbo Carbon Coater / -Φ150mm Vacuum Chamber /
-Turbo Pump 80L/sec / -Rotary Pump 2.5㎥/hr