- Medicine(Kangbuk Samsung Hospital)
Shim, Jeong Youn
○ 주요 학력, 경력 (Experience)
▪ 1983.3 – 1989.2 서울대학교 의과대학 학사
▪ 1991.3 – 1995.2 울산대학교 의과대학 석사
▪ 1995.3 - 1997.3 울산대학교 의과대학 박사
○ 연구분야(Research Field)
▪ 비만 쥐의 폐조직에서 PPAR-gamma 발현
▪ 사람 기도평활근에서 싸이토카인,케모카인의 발현과 분비 (TGF-beta, VEGF, amphiregulin, IL-4)
▪ 항생제 불응성 마이코플라스마 폐렴
▪ 아토피 피부염, 홍역 발진에서 serum E-selectin 의 농도
○ 주요 연구논문(Major Research Achievements)
1. Joo Hwa Shin, Jae Won Shim, Deok Soo Kim, Jung Yeon Shim. TGF-beta effects on airway smooth muscle cell proliferation, VEGF release and signal transduction pathways. Respirology. 2009:14(3);347-353
2. Su Jin Hwang, Jung Ho Kim, Jae Won Shim, Duk Soo Kim, Hye Lim Jung, Moon Soo Park, Won Young Lee, Se-Yeon Kim, Jung Yeon Shim. Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR)-γ expression in the lung tissue of obese rats. Yonsei Medical Journal 2011;52(3):495-501
3. YJ Kim, SL Ryu, SH Jung, JW Shim, DS Kim, HL Jung, MS Park, JY Shim. Increased Prevalence of H1N1-Induced Severe Lower Respiratory Tract Diseases in Children With Atopic Sensitization. Allergy Asthma Immunology Research 2012;4:277-283
4. SH Jung, JM Kwon, JW Shim, DS Kim, HL Jung, MS Park, SH Park, J Lee, WY Lee, JY Shim. Effects of Diet-Induced Mild Obesity on Airway Hyperreactivity and Lung Inflammation in Mice. Yonsei Medical Journal 2013;54:1430-1437
5. MA Oh, JY Shim, YH Jung, JH Seo, HY Kim, JW Kwon, BJ Kim, HB Kim, WK Kim, SY Lee, GC Jang, DJ Song, HJ Kim, JW Park, SH Cho, JS Lee, SJ Hong. Fraction of exhaled nitric oxide and wheezing phenotypes in preschool children. Pediatric Pulmonology 2013;48:563-570
6. YH Jung, JU Seo, HY Kim, JW Kwon, BJ Kim, HB Kim, SY Lee, GC Jang, DJ Song, WK Kim, JY Shim, SJ Hong. The Relationship Between Asthma and Bronchiolitis is Modified by TLR4, CD14, and IL-13 Polymorphisms. Pediatric Pulmonology 2015;50:8-16
7. JW Lee, JY Shim, JW Kwon, HY Kim, JH Lee, BJ Kim, HB Kim, SY Lee, GC Jang, DJ Song, WK Kim, YH Jung, SJ Hong. Exhaled nitric oxide as a better diagnostic indicator for evaluating wheeze and airway hyperresponsiveness in preschool children. J Asthma 2015;52:1054-1059
8. YH Kim, E Lee, HJ Cho, SI Yang, YH Jung, HY Kim, JH Seo, HB Kim, SY Lee, DJ Song, WK Kim, GC Jang, JY Shim, EJ Kim, JS Lee, JW Kwon, SJ Hong. Association between menarche and increased bronchial hyper-responsiveness during puberty in female children and adolescents. Pediatric Pulmonology 2016;51:1040-1047
9. HJ Yang, DJ Song, JY Shim. Mechanism of resistance acquisition and treatment of macrolide-resistant Mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia in children. Korean Journal of Pediatrics 2017;60(6):167-174
10. JE Jeong, JE Soh, JH Kwak, HL Jung, JW Shim, DS Kim, MS Park, JY Shim. Increased procalcitonin level is a risk factor for prolonged fever in children with Mycoplasma pneumonia. Korean Journal of Pediatrics. 2018;61(8):258-263
○ 연구협력 필요 분야(Research Interest)
▪ Atopic dermatitis mouse model - VEGF expression 과 증상과의 연관성 & anti-VEGF antibody 의 치료 효과
▪ Mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia mouse model 에서 corticosteroid 의 치료 시기에 따른 효과
○ 연구협력 가능 분야(Research Collaboration)
▪ 소아 아토피 피부염 환자 혈청에서 중증도에 따른 VEGF 농도
○ 기타 제안(Other Suggestions)
▪ 중증 아토피 피부염 환자의 치료제로 스테로이드와 anti-VEGF antibody 의 복합제 개발을 통해 치료 성적을 올리고 스테로이드 부작용을 줄일 수 있을까?
▪ 중증 아토피 피부염 환자의 치료제로 anti-IL-4 receptor alpha-blocking antibody 의 국소 도포제 개발