- Medicine
Um, Sung Hee
- shum@skku.edu
- 031-299-6123
- http://biomed.skku.edu/shum
의학관 716306호실
○ Experience • (2009-present) 성균관대학교 의과대학 분자세포생물학교실 조교수, 부교수 • (2004-2009) Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Cincinnati, College of Medicine, U.S.A • (2004) 이학박사(생화학), Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research, University of Basel, Switzerland • (1996-1998) 연구원, 목암생명공학연구소 • (1996) 약학석사, 성균관대학교 약학대학 약학과 • (1994) 약학사, 성균관대학교 약학대학 약학과 ○ Major Research Achievements - Paper 1) Choi KW, Park HJ, Jung DH, Kim TW, Park YM, Kim BO, Sohn EH, Moon EY, Um SH, Rhee DK, Pyo S., Inhibition of TNF-α-induced adhesion molecule expression by diosgenin in mouse vascular smooth muscle cells via downregulation of the MAPK, Akt and NF-κB signaling pathways. Vascul Pharmacol. 2010 Nov-Dec53(5-6):273-80. 2) Carnevalli L, Masuda K, Frigerio F, Bacquer O, Um SH, Gandin V, Topisirovic I, Sonenberg N, Thomas G, Kozma SC. S6K1 Plays a Critical Role in Early Adipocyte Differentiation. Developmental Cell, 18(5): 763-774, 2010 3) Jung DH, Park HJ, Byun HE, Park YM, Kim TW, Kim BO, Um SH, Pyo S. Diosgenin inhibits macrophage-derived inflammatory mediators through downregulation of CK2, JNK, NF-kappaB and AP-1 activation. Int Immunopharmacol. 10(9): 1047-1054, 2010 4) Tremblay F, Brûlé S, Um SH, Li Y, Masuda K, Roden M, Sun XJ, Krebs M, Polakiewicz RD, Thomas G, Marette A.Identification of IRS-1 Ser1101 as a novel target of S6K1 in nutrient and obesity-induced insulin resistance. Proc Natl Acad Sci, 104(35):14056-61, 2007 5) Kozma SC, Um SH, and Thomas G. Translational Control in Metabolic Diseases: The Role of mTOR Signaling in Obesity and Diabetes. Translational Control in Biology and Medicine. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, Chapter 17, ISBN 0-87969-767-9, 2007 6) Um SH, D'Alessio D, Thomas G. Nutrient overload, insulin resistance, and ribosomal protein S6 kinase 1, S6K1. Cell Metabolism, 3(6):393-402, 2006 7) Um SH, Frigerio F, Watanabe M, Picard F, Joaquin M, Sticker M, Fumagalli S, Allegrini P, Kozma SC, Auwerx J and Thomas G. Absence of S6K1 Protects Against Age and Diet-Induced Obesity While Enhancing Insulin Sensitivity. Nature, 431, 200-205, 2004 8) Pende M, Um SH, Mieulet V, Sticker M, Goss VL, Mestan J, Mueller M, Fumagalli S, and Thomas G. S6K1 (-/-)/S6K2(-/-) mice exhibit perinatal lethality and rapamycin-sensitive 5'-terminal oligopyrimidine mRNA translation and reveal a mitogen-activated protein kinase-dependent S6 kinase pathway. Mol Cell Biol, 24(8): 3112-24, 2004 - Award • 2010년 제2 기 포스코청암재단 신진교수 생명과학 분야 청암과학펠로쉽 (TJ Park Science Fellowship) 수상