- Chemical Engineering(Biotechnology)
Um, Soong Ho
- sh.um@skku.edu
- 031-290-7348
- http://web.skku.edu/~abmi
제2공학관25동 25321A호실
○ 주요 학력, 경력 (Experience) ▪ 2018. 12. 18. ~ Present (주)DNANO Incorporation, CTO ▪ 2013. 9. 1. ~ Present Associate Prof. (Early tenured), Sungkyunkwan Univ. ▪ 2009. 10. 1. ~ 2011. 8. 31. Assistant Prof., GIST ▪ 2010. 7. 8. ~ 2011. 8. 4. Visiting Scholar, Virginia Tech. ▪ 2009. 3. 1. ~ 2009. 8. 31. Research Associate, Howard Huges Medical Institute (HHMI) ▪ 2007.10. 15. ~ 2009. 2. 28. Post-doctoral Fellow, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) ▪ 2003. 8. 28. ~ 2007. 8. 20. M.Sc. & Ph.D., Cornell University ○ 연구분야(Research Field) ▪ Development of PCR-free whole genome multiplexed sequencing analysis for lung cancer diseases ▪ Development of new cell reprogramming therapy for cancer, mental and genetic diseases ▪ Development of in vitro antibody protein mass culture technology ○ 주요 연구논문(Major Research Achievements) ▪ Um SH et al., Fluorescence-coded DNA nanostructure probe system to enable discrimination of tumor heterogeneity via a screening of dual intracellular microRNA signatures in situ, in press, 2017, Scientific Reports. (IF=5.578, within the top 10% of multidisciplinary) ▪ Um SH et al., mRNA-producing pseudo-nucleus system, 11(41), 5515-5519, 2015, Small. (IF=8.368, within the top 6% of the material sciences) ▪ Um SH et al., A light-driven anti-cancer dual-therapeutic cassette enhances solid tumour regression, 2(9), 1252-1258, 2013, Adv. Health. Mater. (IF=5.795, within the top 5% of the biotechnology) ▪ Um SH et al., A cell-free protein-producing gel, 8, 432-437, 2009, Nature Materials. (IF=36.425, within the top 1% of multidisciplinary) ▪ Um SH et al., Enzyme-catalyzed assembly of DNA hydrogel, 5, 797-801, 2006, Nature Materials. (IF=36.425, within the top 1% of multidisciplinary ○ 연구협력 필요 분야(Research Interest) ▪ Gene sample provisions of patient tissue and blood variant for clinical model verification of 'new genetic sequencing analysis' and 'cellular reprogramming therapy'. ▪ Technical support for Bioinformatics (BI) for the configuration of algorithms and creative suggestions for efficient analysis of accumulative clinical diagnosis and treatment data. ○ 연구협력 가능 분야(Research Collaboration) ▪ A study on the simultaneous and efficient clinical verification of genetic mutations in patients with several diseases involving cancers and mental or genetic disorders. ▪ A study on the development of new stem cell or neurocellular therapy through nontoxic and biocompatible cytoprogramming. ○ 기타 제안(Other Suggestions) ▪ The researcher founded DNANO Inc. in the most recent (December 2018) through spin-off technology development. Using the laboratory's proprietary bio-nano technology, we have developed specialized reagents and kits that can simultaneously diagnose disease-specific genome multi-biomarkers without PCR. It contributes to maximizing the efficiency of clinical diagnosis for actual patient groups with domestic technology alone. In addition, we strive to lead the development of new therapeutic agents that can be applied to genetic diseases and autoimmune diseases. Currently, we have formed a joint research circle in conjugation with US and Chinese research teams, along with Samsung Medical Center Cancer Center and Catholic College of Pharmacy researchers. We really hope to collaborate with professional BI researchers as well as medical staff who can provide clinical cohort models directly.