- Pharmacy(Neuroscience)
Jo, Dong-Gyu
- jodh@skku.edu
- 031-290-7782
- http://brain.skku.edu/
약학관 530418호
○ 주요 학력, 경력 (Experience) ▪ (2007 –present) Professor, School of Pharmacy, Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU) ▪ (2003 – 2007) Postdoctoral Fellow, Laboratory of Neurosciences, National Institute on Aging / National Institutes of Health ▪ (2002–2003) Postdoctoral Fellow, Gwangju Institute of Science & Technolodgy (GIST) ▪ (2002) Ph.D, GIST ○ 연구분야(Research Field) My laboratory employs a multifaceted array of experimental models of aging and age-related neurodegenerative disorders in order to establish the cellular and biochemical changes that occur during aging and in disorders such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and stroke. In addition to identify the molecular and cellular alterations that lead to neuronal degeneration in age-related neurological diseases, we are elucidating the cellular and biochemical signaling mechanisms that allow successful brain aging. We are also running drug discovery projects spanning the range from target validation and initial high-throughput screening to lead identification to advance the discovery of new, efficacious therapies for the treatment, delay of progression, or prevention of Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, age-related cognitive decline, and stroke. ○ 주요 연구논문(Major Research Achievements) ▪ Notch signaling and neuronal death in stroke. Prog. Neurobiol. 2018; 165, 103-116. ▪ Inhibition of Notch1 Induces Population and Suppressive Activity of Regulatory T Cell in Inflammatory Arthritis. Theranostics 2018; 8, 4795-4804. ▪ Inhibition of Drp1 Ameliorates Synaptic Depression, Aβ Deposition and Cognitive Impairment in Alzheimer’s Disease Model. J. Neurosci. 2017; 37, 5099-5110. ▪ Pin1 Mediates Cell Death by Modulating Notch1 Stability in Ischemic Stroke. Ann. Neurol. 2015; 77: 504-515. ▪ Emerging roles of the γ-secretase-notch axis in inflammation. Pharmacol. Ther. 2015; 147, 80-90 ▪ Inhibition of notch signalling ameliorates experimental rheumatoid arthritis. Ann. Rheum. Dis. 2015; 74, 267-274. ▪ Oxidative lipid modification of nicastrin enhances amyloidogenic g-secretase activity in Alzheimer’s disease. Aging Cell 2012; 11, 559-568. ○ 연구협력 필요 분야(Research Interest) Neuroimaging or brain imaging, neural activity monitoring, brain organoids or cerebral organoids, cognitive stimulating systems for animals. ○ 연구협력 가능 분야(Research Collaboration) ▪ Animal models of AD, PD, and stroke ▪ Learning and memory tests, behavioral analysis of cognitive functions ▪ HTS, HCS systems development ○ 기타 제안(Other Suggestions) ▪ Neuroimaging or brain imaging school or consortium for collaboration between diverse research groups in SKKU.