2024 성균 바이오헬스 세미나 개최 안내(2024.1.11.(목) 11:00)
- 성균바이오융합과학기술원
- 조회수710
- 2024-01-09
성균바이오융합과학기술원에서는 아래와 같이 성균 바이오헬스 세미나를 개최하려고 합니다.
1. 일시 및 장소
- 일시: 2024.1.11.(목) 11:00
- 장소: 의학관 AI 강의실(ZOOM 온라인 동시 진행)
- ZOOM 접속 주소: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86261275693?pwd=dGp1NnV5dGsxMXh3OGJGdjNiTDdhdz09
2. 강연자
- Dr. Seung-Wuk LEE(Bioengineering, University of California, Berkeley, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA)
3. 강연 주제
- Phage-based Biomimetic Collagen Nanocomposite Structure and Function
- Abstract
Collagen is a crucial component of the extracellular matrix, providing a scaffold for the growth of minerals and cells within our bodies. When secreted by osteoblast cells, collagen triple helices spontaneously form supramolecular structures, primarily fibrils, and interact with other components in connective tissues across various length scales, ranging from the nano- to macroscopic level. Although several materials have been reported to mimic the hierarchical structure and function of collagen, the creation of a higher-order supramolecular collagen-like structure remains challenging. In this presentation, I will introduce a biomimetic approach to create a hierarchical collagen-like structure and replicate its biological function using M13 bacteriophage (phage). Through phage display, which is a high-throughput screening process, we have identified a new phage that has been engineered with a collagen-like peptide capable of strong binding to bone hydroxyapatite crystals. This engineered phage is referred to as a collagen-like phage. Subsequently, we have utilized the collagen-like phage to develop hierarchical structures and tissue functions resembling bone tissue. By employing a self-templating assembly process, we have demonstrated that the collagen-like phage can self-assemble supramolecular structures exhibiting a smectic periodic band and a quasi-hexagonal packed crystalline ordered structure. These self-assembled structures have the ability to direct biomineralization and guide the directional growth of cells.
4. 주관: 성균바이오융합과학기술원, 의과대학 4단계 BK21 차세대 정밀의학 글로벌 교육연구단, 메타바이오헬스학과
5. 문의
- 성균바이오융합과학기술원 이진원(031-299-6463)
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