- Forensic Sciences(Forensic Genetics)
Lim, Si-Keun
- sikeun.lim@skku.edu
- 031-290-5670
- https://shb.skku.edu/forensic/
산학협력센터 4층 85489호실
○ 주요 학력, 경력 (Experience)
▪ 1987-1991 Korea Univ. (Dept of Biology)
▪ 1991-1995 Korea Univ. (Dept of Biology, Microbiology)
▪ 1995-2001 Korea Univ. (Dept of Biology, Microbiology)
▪ 1995-1996 KIST Environmental Research Center
▪ 2004 The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, UK
▪ 1997-2019.2. National Forensic Service
○ 연구분야(Research Field)
▪ Forensic Science
▪ Forensic Genetics
▪ Forensic Biology
○ 주요 연구논문(Major Research Achievements)
▪ Simple and rapid identification of saliva by detection of oral streptococci using direct polymerase chain reaction combined with an immunochromatographic strip. FSI Genetics 2018 33 155-160.
▪ Enhanced sensitivity of CpG island search and primer design based on predicted CpG island position. FSI Genetics 2018, 34 134-140.
▪ A Simple Method of VNTR D1S80 Locus Allelic Ladder Construction for Capillary Electrophoresis-based Genotyping. J Forensic Sci 2018, Vol. 63, No. 2
▪ A validation study of DNA methylation-based age prediction using semen in forensic casework samples. Legal Medicine 2018, 31 74-77.
▪ Rapid oral bacteria detection based on real-time PCR for the forensic identification of saliva. Sientific Reports 2018 8:10852
▪ Evaluation of forensic genetic parameters of 12 STR loci in the Korean population using the Investigator HDplex kit. Int J Legal Medicine. 2017. 131(5):1247-1249.
▪ Inhibiting DX2-p14/ARF Interaction Exerts Antitumor Effects in Lung Cancer and Delays Tumor Progression. Cancer Research 2016. 76(10):4797-4804.
▪ Forensic genetic study of 29 Y-STRs in Korean population. Legal Medicine. 2016. 23:17-20
▪ Population genetic study for 24 STR loci and Y indel (GlobalFilerTM PCR Amplification kit and PowerPlex Fusion system). Legal Medicine 2016. 21:53-57.
▪ Comparison of Four Saliva Detection Methods to Identify Expectorated Bloodspatter. J Forensic Sci 2015 Vol. 60, No. 6, 1571-1576.
▪ A new method for ABO genotyping using fluorescence melting curve analysis based on peptide nucleic acid. 2015. Legal Medicine 17: 334–.339
○ 연구협력 필요 분야(Research Interest)
▪ Forensic Genetics (Forensic applications related to biology, chemistry, medicine, nano technology, etc.)
○ 연구협력 가능 분야(Research Collaboration)
▪ Forensic human identification, non-human(animal, plants, microorganisms) individual and species identification, Cell authentication)
○ 기타 제안(Other Suggestions)
▪ AI based forensic genetic tools, microfluidics based cell separation, nano-bio chips, bio-sensors