- Pharmacy
Lee, Jae Cheol
- jaecheol@skku.edu
- 031-290-5406
약학관 5층 530502호실
○ Experience
(2017-2018) Stanford University, School of Medicine, 연구교수
(2012-2017) Stanford University, School of Medicine, Post-¬doctoral Researcher
(2011-2012) 성균관대학교 에피지놈제어연구센터 선임연구원
(2007-2011) 성균관대학교 약학대학 약학과 약학박사 (Biochemistry and Molecular Biology)
(2005-2007) 성균관대학교 약학대학 약학과 약학석사 (Biochemistry and Molecular Biology)
(2001-2005) 성균관대학교 약학대학 약학과 약학사
○ Major Research Achievements
- Paper
1) Paik DT, Tian L, Lee J, Sayed N, Chen IY, Rhee S, Rhee JW, Kim Y, Wirka RC, Buikema JW, Wu SM, Red-Horse K, Quertermous T, Wu JC. Large-Scale Single-Cell RNA-Seq Reveals Molecular Signatures of Heterogeneous Populations of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Endothelial Cells. Circulation Research. (IF=15.211) 2018 Jul 9. pii: CIRCRESAHA.118.312913.
2) Lee J, Shao NY, Paik DT, Wu H, Guo H, Termglinchan V, Churko JM, Kim Y, Kitani T, Zhao MT, Zhang Y, Wilson KD, Karakikes I, Snyder MP, Wu JC. SETD7 Drives Cardiac Lineage Commitment through Stage-Specific Transcriptional Activation. Cell Stem Cell. (IF=23.290) 2018 Mar 1;22(3):428-444
3) Zhao M, Shao NY, Hu S, Srinivasan R, Jahaniani F, Lee J, Snyder M, Wu, J. Cell type-specific chromatin signatures underline regulatory DNA elements in human induced pluripotent stem cells and somatic cells. Circulation Research. (IF=15.211) 2017; 121(11):1237-1250.
4) Churko J, Lee J, Ameen M, Gu M, Diecke S, Sallam K, Im H, Wang G, Gold JD, Salomonis N, Snyder MP, Wu J. Transcriptomic and Epigenomic Differences in Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Generated from Six Reprogramming Methods. Nature Biomedical Engineering. 2017 October 3; 1(10):826-837.
5) Go GY, Lee SJ, Jo A, Seo DW, Kang JS, Kim YK, Kim SK, Kim SN, Lee J, Bea GU. Ginsenoside Rg1 from Panax ginseng Enhances Myoblast Differentiation and Myotube Growth. Journal of Ginseng Research. (IF=4.053) 2017; 41(4):608-614.
6) Lee S, Serpooshan V, Tong X, Venkatraman S, Lee M, Lee J, Chirikian O, Wu JC, Wu SM, Yang F. Contractile force generation by 3D hiPSC-derived cardiac tissues is enhanced by rapid establishment of cellular interconnection in matrix with muscle-mimicking stiffness. Biomaterials. (IF=8.806) 2017 Jul;131:111-120.
7) Gu M, Shao NY, Sa S, Li D, Termglinchan V, Ameen M, Karakikes I, Sosa G, Grubert F, Lee J, Cao A, Taylor S, Ma Y, Zhao Z, Chappell J, Hamid R, Austin ED, Gold JD, Wu J, Snyder MP, Rabinovitch M. Patient-Specific iPSC-Derived Endothelial Cells Uncover Pathways that Protect against Pulmonary Hypertension in BMPR2 Mutation Carriers. Cell Stem Cell. (IF=23.290) 2017 Apr 6;20(4):490-504.
8) Karakikes I, Termglinchan V, Cepeda DA, Lee J, Diecke S, Hendel A, Itzhaki I, Ameen M, Shrestha R, Wu H, Ma N, Shao NY, Seeger T, Woo NA, Wilson KD, Matsa E, Porteus MH, Sebastiano V, Wu JC. A Comprehensive TALEN-Based Knockout Library for Generating Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Based Models for Cardiovascular Diseases. Circulation Research. (IF=15.211) 2017 Feb 28 pii:116.309948.
9) Yi SA, Um SH, Lee J, Yoo JH, Bang SY, Park EK, Lee MG, Nam KH, Jeon YJ, Park JW, You JS, Lee SJ, Bae GU, Rhie JW, Kozma SC, Thomas G, Han JW. S6K1 Phosphorylation of H2B Mediates EZH2 Trimethylation of H3: A Determinant of Early Adipogenesis. Molecular Cell. (IF=14.248) 2016 May 5;62(3):443-52.
10) Lee JC, Jung S, Ebert A, Wu H, Diecke S, Kim Y, Yi H, Park SH, Ju JH. Generation of functional cardiomyocytes from the synoviocytes of patients with rheumatoid arthritis via induced pluripotent stem cells. Scientific Report. (IF=4.259) 2016 Sep 9;6:32669.
11) Park EK*, Lee JC*, Park JW, Bang SY, Yi SA, Kim BK, Park JH, Kwon SH, You JS, Nam SW, Cho EJ, Han JW. Transcriptional Regulation of Cancer Stem Cell Marker CD133 by Tumor Suppresser p53. Cell Death and Disease. (IF=5.965) 2015 Nov 5;6:e1964. (*These authors contributed equally to this work)
12) Wu H, Lee JC, Vincent L, Wang Q, Gu M, Lan F, Churko J, Sallam K, Matsa E, Sharma A, Gold J, Engler AJ, Xiang Y, Bers D, Wu J. Selective inhibition of phosphodiesterase subtypes rescues compromised β-adrenergic signaling in disease-specific human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes. Cell Stem Cell. (IF=23.290) 2015 Jul 2;17(1):89-100
- Project
역분화과정의 분자생물학적 기전 연구 (한국연구재단)
○ Research Interest
• 자가면역질환 모델 시스템 확립 연구
• 질환 특이적인 역분화 줄기세포 생성
• 환자의 역분화 줄기세포를 이용한 다양한 질환 modeling 기술 개발
• 역분화 줄기세포를 이용한 drug screening system 구축
• 세포치료제 기반 바이오 의약품 개발 연구
• 구조 기반 유전체 통합 조절 시스템 구축