- Medicine(Samsung Medical Center, Neurology)
Choi, Byung-Ok
- bochoi@skku.edu
- 02-3410-1296
○ 주요 학력, 경력 (Experience)
▪ 1983 Yonsei University, College of Medicine
▪ 2003 Professor, Ewha Womans University, School of Medicine
▪ 2013 Professor, Sungkyunkwan University, School of Medicine
▪ 2013 Professor, Samsung Advanced Institute for Health Science& Technology (SAIHST),
▪ 2018 Vice Dean, Sungkyunkwan University, School of Medicine
○ 연구분야(Research Field)
▪ Genetic analysis of hereditary neuropathy
▪ Pathogenesis research for Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease
▪ Genotype/Phenotype correlation of genetic disease
▪ Biochip for diagnosis of hereditary disease.
▪ Genomewide linkage scan and chromosomal fine mapping
▪ Stem cell research (MSC and iPSc) for Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease
▪ Regenerative medicine for neuropathy and muscle damage
○ 주요 연구논문(Major Research Achievements)
▪ Cerebral white matter abnormalities in patients with charcot-marie-tooth disease. Ann Neurol 2017 Jan;81(1):147-151. doi: 10.1002/ana.24824.
▪ ADSSL1 mutation relevant to autosomal recessive adolescent-onset distal myopathy. Ann Neurol 2016 Feb;79(2):231-43. doi: 10.1002
▪ Clinico-genetics in Korean Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 2Z with MORC2 mutations Brain 2016 Jul;139(Pt 7):e40. doi: 10.1093
▪ A Mutation in PMP2 Causes Dominant Demyelinating Charcot-Marie-Tooth Neuropathy. PLoS Genet. 2016 Feb 1;12(2):e1005829. doi: 10.1371
▪ Proximal Dominant Hereditary Motor and Sensory Neuropathy With Proximal Dominance Association With Mutation in the TRK-Fused Gene. JAMA Neurol. 2013 May;70(5):607-15. doi: 10.1001
○ 연구협력 필요 분야(Research Interest)
▪ Medical device manufacturing to overcome patient's disease and improve quality of life
▪ Development of new and renewable materials for medical use. New drug candidate materials and material engineering
▪ Development of new drug candidates and research on pathogenesis of diseases
○ 연구협력 가능 분야(Research Collaboration)
▪ Biological samples can be provided to overcome patient's disease
▪ Drug screening using candidate drugs
▪ In vivo study of mice and other drugs needed for drug development