- Sports Science
Lee, Jihang
- jibanglee@skku.edu
- 031-299-6912
수성관 05121호
○ 주요 학력, 경력 (Experience) University of Oregon, Human Physiology(MS., Ph D) University of Oxford, Physiology(Post-Doc) University of Birmingham, Psychology(Post-Doc) University of British Columbia(Research Associate) ○ 연구분야(Research Field) ▪ Neural control of human movement ▪ Sensory perception ▪ Motor learning and Neuro-plasticity ○ 주요 연구논문(Major Research Achievements) ▪ Lee, J-H. & Van Donkelaar, P. (2002) Dorsal and ventral visual stream contributions to perception-action interactions during pointing. Experimental Brain Research. ▪Balslev, D., Christensen, L. O. D., Lee, J.-H., Law, I., Paulson, O. B. & Miall, R. C. (2004) Enhanced accuracy in novel mirror drawing following rTMS-induced proprioceptive deafferentation. Journal of Neuroscience. ▪ Lee, J.-H. & Van Donkelaar, P. (2006) The human dorsal premotor cortex generates on-line error corrections during sensorimotor adaptation, Journal of Neuroscience. ▪ Colino, F. L., Lee, J.-H., Binsted, G. (2015). The availability of vision and tactile gating in reaching and grasping task. Experimental Brain Research. ○ 연구협력 필요 분야(Research Interest) ▪경두개자기자극(TMS)에 필요한 stereotaxic guidance technique ▪기능적자기공명영상(fMRI) 촬영 및 뇌전도 (EEG) 신호 분석 ○ 연구협력 가능 분야(Research Collaboration) ▪ 파킨슨씨병이나 소뇌 위축증 등 운동기능에 문제가 있는 신경계 질환 환자들의 재활 관련 연구