- Genetic Engineering
Chung, Woo Jae
- wjchung@skku.edu
- 031-299-4859
- http://skkuabel2013.wix.com/adv-biomat
생명공학관 62200호
○ Experience 2005 Ph.D. Organic Synthesis, Chemical & Biological Engineering, SNU 2017 - Present : Assoiciate professor, Department of Genetic Engineering, SKKU 2013 - 2016 : Assistant professor, Department of Genetic Engineering, SKKU 2010 - 2012 : Project Scientist, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. 2007 - 2010 : Postdoctoral Fellow, University of California, Berkeley 2005 - 2006 : Postdoctoral Fellow, SNU ○ Major Research Achievements · Fabrication and in vitro biocompatibilities of fibrous biocomposites consisting of PCL and M13 bacteriophage-conjugated alginate for bone tissue engineering. J. Y. Lee, J. Chung, W.-J. Chung* & G. Kim*, Fabrication and in vitro biocompatibilities of fibrous biocomposites consisting of PCL and M13 bacteriophage-conjugated alginate for bone tissue engineering, J. Mater. Chem. B, in press (2016). · Facile method for preparation of silica coated monodisperse superparamagnetic microspheres. X. H. Pham, S. Kyeong, J. Jang, H.-M. Kim, J. Kim, S. Jung, Y.-S. Lee, B.-H. Jun,* & W.-J. Chung*, J. Nanomater. in press (2016). · Phage as versatile nanoink for printing 3-D cell-laden scaffolds. D.-Y. Lee#, H. Lee#, Y. Kim, S. Y. Yoo, W.-J. Chung*, G. Kim*, Acta Biomater. 29, 112-124 (2016). · Biomimetic Self-Templated Hierarchical Structures of Collagen-Like Peptide Amphiphiles. H.-E. Jin#, J. Jang#, J. Chung, H. J. Lee, E. Wang, S.-W. Lee*, & W.-J. Chung*, Nano Lett. 15, 7138-7145 (2015). · Selective and Sensitive Sensing of Flame Retardant Chemicals Through Phage Display Discovered Recognition Peptide. H.-E. Jin, C Zueger, W. Wong, W.-J. Chung, B. Y. Lee*, S.-W. Lee*, Nano Lett. 15, 7697-7703 (2015). ○ Research Interest · Phage-based biomaterials · Self-assembling functional materials · Peptide-based biosensors · Hydrogels for bioprinting · Bioconjugation