- Genetic Engineering
Cho, Jae Youl
- jaecho@skku.edu
- 031-290-7868
- http://shb.skku.edu/jaecho/
생명공학관 621707호
○ Experience 2001 Ph.D. 영국 University College London 면역학과 2015 - Present : 성균관대학교 교수 2015 - Present : 대한약학회 총무분과 위원 2015 - Present : Journal of Ginseng Research Editor-in-Chief 2011 - Present : 성균관대학교 부교수 2003 - 2011 : 강원대학교 전임강사, 조교수, 부교수(정년보장) 2003 - 2005 : 강원대학교 전임강사 2001 - 2003 : 워싱턴대학교 의과대학 하워드휴즈 의학연구소, Research Associate, 병리학과 Post-doc. 1993 - 1998 : 대웅제약 중앙연구소 연구원, 선임연구원 ○ Major Research Achievements · Kim SH, Cho JY. Kaempferol, a dietary flavonoid, ameliorates acute inflammatory symptoms in gastritis, pancreatitis, and abdominal pains. Molecular Nutrition and Food Research Jul 2, 59(7), 1400-1405 (2015) · Hossen MJ, Kim SC, Yang S, Kim HG, Jeong D, Sung NY, Lee JO, Kim JH, Cho JY. PDK1 disruptors and modulators: A patent review. Expert Opinion On Therapeutic Patents Apr 19, 25(5), 513-537 (2015) · Kim SH, Lee J, Park JG, Lee J, Yang WS, Park GW, Kim HG, Yi YS, Kim E, Baek KS, Sung NY, Hossen MJ, Lee M, Kim JH, Cho JY. The dietary flavonoid kaempferol mediates anti-inflammatory responses via the Src, Syk, IRAK1, and IRAK4 molecular targets. Mediators of Inflammation Apr 2, 2015 (904142), 1-15 (2015) · Kim E, Yoon KD, Lee WS, Yang WS, Kim SH, Sung NY, Htwe KM, Kim YD, Hong S, Kim JH, Cho JY. Syk/Src-targeted anti-inflammatory activity of Codariocalyx motorius ethanolic extract. Journal of Ethnopharmacology Aug. 8, 155(1), 185-193 (2014) · Yang Y, Yang WS, Yu T, Yi YS, Park JG, Jeong D, Kim JH, Oh JS, Yoon K, Kim JH, Cho JY. Novel anti-inflammatory function of NSC95397 by the suppression of multiple kinases. Biochemical Pharmacology Mar. 15, 88(2), 201-215 (2014) ○ Research Interest · Study of functional role of cell cytoskeleton in inflammatory and tumorgenic responses · Understanding of signal transduction pathway in inflammatory signaling · Development of anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer drugs · Functional role of protein methylation in immune responses